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Training on biodiversity conservation for the Kon Pne community

Kon Pne is a remote commune in Gia Lai province’s Kbang district that is largely covered by natural forest and serves as a link between Kon Ka Kinh National Park and Kon Chu Rang Nature Reserve within the newly recognized Kon Ha Nung World Biosphere.

The commune has around 3,200 hectares of natural forest, of which more than 2,700 hectares are managed by the Commune People’s Committee and more than 440 hectares are allotted to the community of three villages. The Kon Pne natural forest is home to a variety of rare and endangered wild plants and animals.

Photo: PanNature

The Kon Pne community consists primarily of Bahnar people who have lived there for a long time and whose livelihoods are married to agriculture and forestry. Within the framework of the Green Livelihood Alliance program (GLA), PanNature works with our partners to foster the development of a community-managed conservation area and the application of smart agriculture and forestry measures in this community.

PanNature organized two training sessions in 2023: preserving the survival of wild animals and plants in Kon Pne in September and assessing the community’s biodiversity status in November. Participants include the Community Development Boards of three villages, household representatives, and the Kon Pne Commune Forest Protection Group. The training method incorporates general knowledge of biodiversity, field observation and practice, and particular activities like forest patrols, biodiversity monitoring, and so on. PanNature plans to continue more capacity-building activities on biodiversity monitoring, sustainable use and equitable benefit sharing, and developing and maintaining community-managed conservation areas in 2024.

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